Community Spirit Week

Join your coworkers, neighbors, family and friends to help us celebrate 100 years of being there for Lincoln and Lancaster County during Community Spirit Week, April 24-28.
Participate in any or all of the activities during the week to help create a stronger community where all residents have the opportunity to thrive. Share photos of you and/or your team participating with #UWSpiritWeek.
Monday, April 24 - LET THE SUN SHINE DAY
If you can, turn off the lights for an hour, or unplug an appliance you are not currently using. The United Way Impact Fund assists many of our community members struggling to pay utility bills among other needs. Consider donating to United Way’s Impact Fund.
Tuesday, April 25 - ONE OF A KIND DAY
Let’s each perform an act of kindness! Your unique contribution to help your neighbor is what makes for a stronger community. Being kind and doing good also boost your mental health, one of United Way’s focus areas for improving life in Lincoln and Lancaster County.
Wednesday, April 26 - ON THE SAME PAGE DAY
Help us raise $2,500 for the Virtual Book Drive! That will put 100 books into the hands of students right here in Lincoln and Lancaster County! Books at home propel a child forward in their education. Reading for just 15 minutes a day exposes a child to over 1 million words of text in a year.
Thursday, April 27 - PEP RALLY DAY
Attend United Way’s Annual Meeting and help kick off our 100th year of serving the community. As our community has changed over the last 100 years, United Way has been there to meet the needs of individuals and families who have fallen behind and just need a helping hand. RSVP to Lauren at or 402-441-0096.
Friday, April 28 - LIVE UNITED DAY
Proudly wear your Live United gear to show your involvement in creating a stronger Lincoln and Lancaster County. When we all work together, we can accomplish amazing things that advance the common good for all members of our community. Contact your workplace United Way rep or call 402-441-0096 for some United Way stickers!